Meyer Lemon Tree – 8 month update

I love my Meyer Lemon tree as I’ve shared over and over on this blog! My tree arrived to me the end of January and has been unending intrigue and joy ever since. Here’s the latest update:

The lemons are turning yellow!

Meyer Lemon Tree - 8 Month Update

Apparently I counted wrong in the last Meyer Lemon Tree post because today I counted 21 lemons. (unless I counted wrong today….)

Meyer Lemon Tree - 8 Month Update

Looks like we’ll have home grown lemons throughout the holidays.

Meyer Lemon Tree - 8 Month Update

If you don’t own a Meyer Lemon tree, get one!

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2 Responses to Meyer Lemon Tree – 8 month update

  1. Mim Leggette says:

    Where can I get one of those Lemon Trees??

    Thank you


  2. Karen says:

    This tells where I got mine:

    So healthy!

    Please, let me know when you get yours and include photos!

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