Category Archives: Soil and Mulch

Breaking Down Leaves

How to break down the last of those fall leaves that you use to fill your flower beds? Kevin Lee Jacobs suggests Cottonseed Meal. Continue reading

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The Best Soil You Never Have to Buy

It’s April. Time to cut back, pull the first of the weeds, rearrange, replant, dig and love every minute of finally being back outside after our very long winter. So, today I was looking for great new soil for some … Continue reading

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How (and why) to Use Your Leaves

It’s Fall!!! And all that wonderful gold is falling from the trees, just as Mother Nature intended, to protect the ground and plantings from winter ice and to make amazing soil for Spring growth. I ask the yard crew to … Continue reading

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Simple Soil Test

                  Perform your soil test by placing a sample into two separate cups or containers. Add vinegar to one. If it fizzes your soil is alkaline. If not, add some water to … Continue reading

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Soil and Mulch, Oh, my..

Today I spread 6 bags of Miracle Grow soil in the vegetable garden and 10 bags of mulch around the fountain area. My garden can never complain of neglect. I’ll sleep well tonight!  

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