Category Archives: Black Raspberries

Black Raspberries – First Harvest of the Season!

    They are so sweet and tasty!   And the bushes are absolutely loaded with more red ones.   Think I’ll make muffins!       Only the second season since planting from bare roots. Amazing.

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Black Raspberries are Comin!

    They’ve flowered, bloomed, and fruited. Now we wait while the beautiful red berries turn black. It will be well worth the wait.

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Regrowth from Last Season!

We had such a mild winter that everything survived. The only herbs that died were the basil and tomatoes (do tomatoes count?). In the garden, besides what I’ve planted, from last year onions and potatoes are already coming up. Here … Continue reading

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Black Raspberry Harvest

        So many berries!           Time to make cobbler..               Ummmmmmmm

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Black Raspberries

  Can you see how absolutely laden with berries these plants are? I was told they should be ripe in about 3 weeks.  I can’t wait! Notice the amazing black raspberry color of the vines.  Absolutely beautiful plant.

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Black Raspberries

I bought a bundle of 10 black raspberry roots from Sharon’s Natural Gardens mid March of last year, 2010.  In only 12 months, they grew up about 4′ high, back down over the wires into the ground and back up … Continue reading

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I have Black Raspberries!

Several of the bushes are already producing berries! Yay! I didn’t expect any this season. Actually, I read not to pick them the first season but to let the bushes go through their entire cycle and expect fruit next year. … Continue reading

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How to care for my Black Raspberries

Just wrote to Sharon and asked some questions about the Black Raspberry bushes that just arrived from her farm. I asked:  What variety of black raspberry bushes are they? Are they summer fruiting or autumn fruiting? Any help you can … Continue reading

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Black Raspberries

Black Raspberry or Rubus occidentalis is a species of Rubus native to eastern North America. The common name Black Raspberry is shared with the closely related western American species Rubus leucodermis.  Another common names for Rubus occidentalis are Blackcap, or … Continue reading

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How to prune Black Raspberries

The vines on blackberry bushes are called canes, and they grow for two years. The first year, they are lush vegetation. In year two, they bloom, bare fruit and then die. Prune away old canes every year and keep new … Continue reading

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