Monthly Archives: April 2011

Potatoes – Hilled Today!

I “hilled” the potatoes today for the first time this season.  I swear, it seems to take forever for the potatoes to come up but, once they do, they must grow 6 inches overnight! I planted potatoes March 22nd – … Continue reading

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Lemon Thyme

I love using lemon thyme, especially in our dinner salads. Such a refreshing lemon flavor!  My kids loved it so much that I dug up 3 plantings for them to take back home when they left. What first attracted me … Continue reading

Posted in Herbs | Tagged | 2 Comments

Black Raspberries

I bought a bundle of 10 black raspberry roots from Sharon’s Natural Gardens mid March of last year, 2010.  In only 12 months, they grew up about 4′ high, back down over the wires into the ground and back up … Continue reading

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White Spots on my Rose Bush Leaves

The first year I planted my rose bushes late into the season.  They grew and bloomed like crazy.  I had blooming roses into November and North Carolina November is cold!  I loved my plants and they were very happy. Last … Continue reading

Posted in Roses | 42 Comments

Everything’s Growing!

The black raspberries are covered with flowers.   The carrots are up. The lettuce, spinach, onions, garlic, red potatoes, spring onions, and broccoli all look fantastic.                 Even the strawberry plants are covered … Continue reading

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Guilford County Cooperative Extension

What a great day!  We went to the Guilford County Cooperative extension and I went crazy!  My vegetable garden is full but I didn’t care!  All those gorgeous plants! I spent $48 and here’s what I got: 5 1-gallon tomatoes … Continue reading

Posted in Getting Started, Herbs | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments

Tips for Saving Money in Your Garden

If you live in or near Guilford County, North Carolina, here is a great tip for where to get cheap mulch and a great deal on plants. How cheap? At the Guilford County Cooperative Extension, you can buy 48 plants … Continue reading

Posted in Getting Started, Tips & Suggestions | 4 Comments

Pond Algae

Well, I finally found out how to get rid of pond algae!!! Turn the darn thing off! I can’t believe it – all the people I’ve asked, all the research I’ve done even pool companies and people who install water … Continue reading

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Springtime in North Carolina

Nothing is more gorgeous than Springtime in North Carolina.  Everything is in bloom and the gardens are beginning to sprout. We’ve had our typical warm days, then cool days, then windy days and lots of rain! The plants are loving … Continue reading

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Companion Planting

I just read a great article on Companion Planting in Farmer’s Almanac.  In case you haven’t noticed, I’m constantly in Farmer’s Almanac (online, of course).  Here are some tips from that article: To jump start your companion planting this year, … Continue reading

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