Category Archives: General

How to Keep Squirrels out of Your Birdfeeders

Got birdfeeders? Then I bet you have squirrels! I have birdfeeders – lots and lots of birdfeeders. I go through about 25 pounds of birdseed a month. And, as much as I love feeding the birds, feeding the squirrels is … Continue reading

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My Rescue Garden

So, what have I done in the yard over the last 5 months? Created what I lovingly refer to as my “rescue” garden. We buy houses for a living and I have started rescuing both plants and yard art from … Continue reading

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Planted Japanese Yew, Blue Rug Juniper, Blue Star Juniper

Blue Star Juniper All in a continued quest to fill the slope above the driveway. When everything grows up, it will be beautiful!

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Garden Envy!

It’s finally time to get the gardens ready for Spring! I’ve been working in the yard and reading what needs to be done to prepare, going around to local nurseries, and searching online for tips. Today, I came across this … Continue reading

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My Rosemary is Rooting!

        17 days from the time I cut the stems and put them into a rooting powder. However, I cut a number of stems and also some Lavender, but this is the only twig with root. Hmmmmmm…

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Yard Inspiration

My yard is broken into a multitude of sections. There are many wonderful ideas in these beautiful photos that I just don’t want to forget. Ahhhhhhh, inspiration. 10 Ideas for an Exuberantly Abundant Landscape Houzz– Kitchen Remodel, Bathroom Remodel and … Continue reading

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Pruning Fruit Trees

Should you prune now? Apparently not. I found a great article on pruning and read that Fall/ early to mid-Winter is not the time. Best to wait until just before Spring to prevent water and cold damage. Figure 1. Pruning … Continue reading

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How to Grow Lettuce

Cooler weather is back and I’m going to plant some fresh lettuce. I found this great article and didn’t want to loose it so I’m posting it here! Enjoy. Cool-Season Vegetables: How to Grow Lettuce Houzz– Kitchen Remodel, Bathroom Remodel … Continue reading

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Farmer’s Almanac says This is the Best Day to Plant Beans, so I did..

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First Salad of the Season!

The first salad of the season:  lettuce, spinach, lemon thyme, basil, fennel and parsley. So tasty – no need for dressing!

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