Category Archives: Hostas

Dividing Hostas

  I spent all morning dividing hostas. Started 2 years ago with about 10-15. I now must have hundreds! This is so wonderful. First time I’ve divided them. First time I even knew about it! I’ll let you know how … Continue reading

Posted in Hostas | 2 Comments


Today, Laura and I planted a bunch more hostas and fern. We also planted our rhubarb! With everything I’ve planted / am planting, surely something will grow up to be beautiful! I am loving every minute of my wonderful yard!

Posted in Getting Started, Hostas | 2 Comments

My Hostas are Here!

Thank you Hosta Farm for sending my order so promptly. We planted hostas and ferns and are waiting patiently… And, the first of our beans have sprouted!  Everything’s looking so good.  Blueberry bushes are happy, the black raspberry bushes are… … Continue reading

Posted in Getting Started, Hostas | 5 Comments

Where in the Yard to Plant?

Today was an absolutely perfect day to be out in the yard, 62* and sunny. Boy, does that bring on spring fever! So, I went walking around looking for the perfect spot for my garden. Where I want to plant … Continue reading

Posted in Getting Started, Hostas | 6 Comments

To Hosta or not to Hosta..

Hi Guys: I have one side of the yard that is sloped and very shady.  I want to know what to put there and I asked about Hostas.  I would love to have about 45 varieties there! One suggestion was … Continue reading

Posted in Getting Started, Hostas | 2 Comments