Category Archives: Weather & Climate conditions

January is For the Birds!

Please, don’t forget them! When the water and ground are frozen, it can be hard for our feathery friends to find food and drink. Be sure to leave out seeds, nuts, berries, and water to protect these beautiful beings. Happy … Continue reading

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      OMG!  We have had so much rain and cold weather since I planted. Next week is supposed to be warm and sunny so, I’m believing that my garden will FLOURISH in the heat and sunshine. Don’t you … Continue reading

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Moon Phases

Speaking of when to plant, we need to know when the moon is waxing (growing – best time to plant above ground plants) and when the moon is waning (shrinking – best time to plant root crops).  So, I found … Continue reading

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Soil, moisture, wind, humidity – by the hour?!

Want to know everything about the state climate in North Carolina?  By the hour? Wind, air, humidity, soil, on and on.  Everything you ever wanted to know and more. Check out the State Climate office of North Carolina.  If we … Continue reading

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too late to plant Peas???

Mimi told me this today: “Farmer at Farmer’s Market here today verified that it is getting late to plant peas. You’re zone 7. He says as soon as possible!” So, what do I do???   We’ve had so much snow … Continue reading

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Hardiness Zones

What are Hardiness Zones? I keep running into this term when I’m researching plants.  I found and was able to look up my hardiness zone. Finally, I found out I’m a 7! “The Plant Hardiness Zones divide the United … Continue reading

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Frost Dates

Ok, so I need to know about frost dates so I don’t plant things too soon. We often get frost until mid April.  Why do I know this if I’ve never done a garden?  Because of Furniture Market.  It happens … Continue reading

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