Category Archives: Watermelon

My Garden Just Keeps Giving!

  The crows have given up. But they just keep growin!           Can anyone say, “big ol pot a soup!”?

Posted in Carrots, Garlic, Onions, Potatoes, Watermelon | 2 Comments

Watermelon and Cantelope

  My first year of growing melons was a huge success. Almost. The cantelopes and watermelons grew so big and looked like the ones I see at the Farmer’s Market. The day before Jim and I were to leave town, … Continue reading

Posted in Cantelope, Watermelon | 1 Comment

Watermelon and Cantelope

    My first, and largest, watermelon split. Ugh. I now have 2 watermelons left and about 5 tiny cantelopes. What are the odds that any make it to maturity? Sure exciting to watch!

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My Garden: July 23, 2011

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Yay! We have our first baby watermelon. What confuses me, however, is that we have TONS of flowers. Why only one (well 2, but the other one was rotten) baby melons? And… how do I keep the melons from rotting? … Continue reading

Posted in Watermelon | 3 Comments