Category Archives: Blueberries

Regrowth from Last Season!

We had such a mild winter that everything survived. The only herbs that died were the basil and tomatoes (do tomatoes count?). In the garden, besides what I’ve planted, from last year onions and potatoes are already coming up. Here … Continue reading

Posted in Black Raspberries, Blueberries, Herbs, Onions, Potatoes, Raspberries, Strawberries, Successes | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Blueberries, continued!

Thank you, Karen Small, for recommending Dab Finch in Stanley, NC, as the resource for blueberries.  I will definitely be going to Sanley! I love his site!  Wanna go there?  Click on the blueberries above! UPDATE:  I ordered 5 bushes … Continue reading

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I’m going to plant blueberry bushes!  This site has a lot of information about them. I love blueberries and the bushes seem to be on sale everywhere right now.  They say to have more than one bush so they pollinate.  … Continue reading

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