Category Archives: Meyer Lemon Tree

Meyer Lemons – 8 Months from Flower to Fruit

Well, we had our first harvested Meyer lemon about 2 weeks ago and it was fabulous. Very thin skin – very sweet and juicy. I’m so happy with our tree! (have you noticed…?) It’s been so fun to watch my … Continue reading

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Meyer Lemon Tree – 8 month update

I love my Meyer Lemon tree as I’ve shared over and over on this blog! My tree arrived to me the end of January and has been unending intrigue and joy ever since. Here’s the latest update: The lemons are … Continue reading

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20 Lemons on the Meyer Lemon Tree

Yes, what started out as 26 is now 20. Why? Well, some fell off and I just removed 3 small ones figuring it would be best if the tree saved its energy for the bigger, healthier looking ones. Agreed?

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Meyer Lemon Tree, update

Wow. My lemons are happy and growing like crazy. Yesterday, I had to prop up branches with sticks. Not very attractive, but the poor little tree is still fairly young and all of the lemons are just too heavy for … Continue reading

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My Lemons are Growing!

  After the flowers, it was covered with green fruit buds. Now, a lot of the buds are gone but about 6 are really taking off. From what I understand, the next major thing to happen is the leaves will … Continue reading

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Meyer Lemon Tree – growing and fertilizing

It appears that my blooms are turning into lemons? I’m assuming that the little green nodules that are left after the petals fall off are the someday lemons? And, I’m concerned that I’m already behind. I’ve had the tree for … Continue reading

Posted in Meyer Lemon Tree | 8 Comments

I just pollinated the lemons……….

Wow, that’s a weird title! But I did. My new Meyer Lemon tree is absolutely COVERED with flowers. Since we don’t have a lot of bees living in the house, I read up on how to pollinate them. In the … Continue reading

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Meyer Lemon Tree

It’s beautiful and I love it! My Meyer Lemon Tree arrived on Tuesday – I planted it yesterday. It’s supposed to be 3-4 years old already and grow, eventually, to a height of 5-6 feet tall. Today, it’s about 4-1/2 … Continue reading

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