My Rescue Garden

So, what have I done in the yard over the last 5 months? Created what I lovingly refer to as my “rescue” garden. We buy houses for a living and I have started rescuing both plants and yard art from yards we plan to tear out and restore. Following are some of my start to this-is-where-it-is-so-far photos:

My Rescue Garden

I started with a section that was very desolate.

My Rescue Garden

Nothing but determination at the start!

My Rescue Garden

Started with shade loving hostas last year.

My Rescue Garden

Spring 2013 – ready for love and attention

My Rescue Garden

A plan and design were needed to start.

My Rescue Garden

I lay out a path with sticks.

My Rescue Garden

Divided hostas and brought in more “rescued” plants.

My Rescue Garden

Mulch gives it definition.

My Rescue Garden

But wait! There’s more!

My Rescue Garden

I decide to take it all the way to the house.

My Rescue Garden

That’s a lot more yard…

My Rescue Garden

Rescued stones create a path.

My Rescue Garden

Fill in with gravel.

My Rescue Garden

Add edging and gravel.

My Rescue Garden

My Rescue Garden
Creating areas of interest.
My Rescue Garden

This section will be ferns.

My Rescue Garden

Loving the progress.

My Rescue Garden

No longer desolate.

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