Guilford County Cooperative Extension

Guil. Co. Cooperative Extension plants

What a great day!  We went to the Guilford County Cooperative extension and I went crazy!  My vegetable garden is full but I didn’t care!  All those gorgeous plants!

I spent $48 and here’s what I got:

5 1-gallon tomatoes
2 Basil
2 Thyme
2 Rosemary
1 Oregano
1 Sage
4 Parsley
48 Portulaca
4 Coleus

and 1 more that I forgot but I’ll have to look tomorrow when it’s light out!

I hadn’t checked Farmer’s Almanac before we went but, when we got home, I was happy to find that today’s forecast was:

April 9th-10th: Plant Tomatoes, Beans, Peppers, Corn, Cotton, And Other Aboveground Crops On These Most Fruitful Days. Plant Seedbeds. Start Flower Gardens.


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3 Responses to Guilford County Cooperative Extension

  1. Really? FA is telling you to plant first quarter plants in the new moon phase. Curious. Ditto with the fact that the moon is in Cancer – good for leafy veggies. I would have thought you’d get this advice on 11-12 April. So if FA isn’t using the lunar calendar, what is it using???

    Who cares, you have a cornucopia of goodies there for $48. I’m jealous.

    Today I bought a maqui berry tree. Supposed to be yummy fruit similar to blue berries and healthier than acai. I also bought 2 blueberry bushes and a lemon tree. Total cost, $85 – which I think is pretty good for good sized trees. Now I’m just debating about where to plant them. The plan was to put the maqui and blue berries in a pot, but they might just go in the ground. I’m seeking advice online…

  2. Betty New says:

    I have black spot on my roses and have tried store bought sprays but they do not seem to be working,I would like your input on what else to do.Thank You,Betty New

  3. Karen says:

    Hi Betty:

    So far, I haven’t had black spots but here’s the site I love and he discusses black spot in depth.

    One of his comments is that most of the treatments need to be preventative and don’t really work on bushes that are already infected.
    I’m so sorry about that news. Can you start new roses in a different area?

    Please let me know your progress.

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