Black Raspberries

Black Raspberries


Can you see how absolutely laden with berries these plants are?

I was told they should be ripe in about 3 weeks.  I can’t wait!

Black RaspberriesBlack Raspberry Vines

Notice the amazing black raspberry color of the vines.  Absolutely beautiful plant.

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2 Responses to Black Raspberries

  1. We planted more blueberry bushes today to reach a total of 5. The tag says a healthy plant (not counting on that necessarily) can produce 3-4 kilos of blueberries a year. I suspect your raspberries beat that by 50 kilos or so. Go berries go!

  2. Karen says:

    Good luck with your blueberries. Mine have done NOTHING in 12 months – so disappointing. Of course, the soil they’re in is not their preferred pH.

    However, the black raspberries say they prefer well drained, sandy soil. They are in thick red clay so, apparently, they are not easily deterred!

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