Lemongrass, Roman Chamomile and Creeping Thyme

Lemon Grass




Today I planted:  Lemongrass



Roman Chamomile



Roman Chamomile




Creeping Thyme


Creeping Thyme



Japanese Maple

And, oh yeah, another Japanese Maple!

A beautiful Fireglow.

6 Lemongrass line the driveway entry.  The Chamomile and Creeping Thyme fill in between the stone steps.  Fabulous!

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4 Responses to Lemongrass, Roman Chamomile and Creeping Thyme

  1. I’m so jealous. I want Frank to break up the sidewalk running down the side of our house and put in stepping stones which I want to surround with thyme and camomile.

    I’m not jealous about the lemon grass. Make sure you email me when you can’t get out of your driveway because they’ve grown as big as your house. Be afraid, be very afraid. Lucky for them they’re beautiful, smell fanstastic and are great in cooking.

  2. Karen says:

    Lemongrass – I KNOW!!! The ones you gave me last year got about 5 feet tall and equally as wide! That’s why I planted more this year. In fact, I bought 2 plants (for $5) and broke them apart into 6 plantings. We’ll see but I absolutely LOVE the bushes – they’re GORGEOUS! This year I may, may, even try cooking with them…

  3. Nidia Grewell says:

    Lemon oil may be used in aromatherapy. Researchers at The Ohio State University found that lemon oil aroma does not influence the human immune system, but may enhance mood.

  4. Karen says:

    Right, Nidia, citrus is mood enhancing!

    Thanks for sharing your info.

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