June Garden

June GardenIt’s constantly different.

The lettuce is almost gone. The spinach is gone. I’ve pulled up the broccoli but the tomato and bean plants are flourishing as are all the herbs.

Potatoes are looking a bit ragged.  They were my favorites, so gorgeous at their peak leaf season!

Waiting to add pumpkin and watermelon until Farmer’s Almanac says I can.

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3 Responses to June Garden

  1. No pumpkin, beans not ripe yet, lettuce all gone – what are you eating these days, raspberries? I can see that next year you’ll have to plan things a bit better so you can hopefully avoid the feast and famine. And remind me to plan my next visit around the Farmer’s Almanac harvesting guide (is there such a thing?).

  2. Karen says:

    We’re still eating our dinner plated sized salads every night! And, again last night, I drank a cup of chamomile tea and slept a solid 9 hours! Wow, that stuff is powerful!

  3. Mikkel says:

    Wauw, your garden looks so nice, small and cozy.
    I feel inspired to start my own garden project now :D

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