Watering and Waiting

May 16, 2010

May.  Hmmm. So much has been planted and now I just tend it while it grows.

Actually, I’m quite thrilled that there’s nothing now for me to screw up except the watering. Thank goodness I’m not in charge of cell division or photosynthesis.

Yesterday, I planted more beans. Everything I read said the 15th would be the perfect day. So, I planted. Last night, I read Farmer’s Almanac again. It said don’t plant on the 15th, plant on the 17h. Anything planted on the 15th would rot. It’s been raining ever since I planted. I’m sure they’re under the soil rotting.

I may be the only person on the planet who can’t grow beans. Thank goodness there’s plenty of other stuff to grow.

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One Response to Watering and Waiting

  1. Arminda says:

    This is hilarious. I’m going to use it somewhere else:

    “I’m quite thrilled that there’s nothing now for me to screw up except the watering. Thank goodness I’m not in charge of cell division or photosynthesis.”

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