Weeping Norway Spruce

Weeping Norway Spruce


56* today and I’m getting my garden ready.

The plot has been tilled and today I planted my first veggies – broccoli.

Oops, time to check the Farmer’s Almanac. It hasn’t failed me, yet. Hope I didn’t plant on the wrong day!

Oh, yeah, also planted this amazing Norway Spruce. So gorgeous!

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6 Responses to Weeping Norway Spruce

  1. Paula says:

    Where do you garden? I am in the Rocky Mountains. Zone 3. At an elevation of 7700 feet. Have my eye on a weeping Norway spruce for my garden. Just wondering if it is a good fit.

  2. Karen says:

    Paula: I’m in North Carolina, Zone 7. From what I’ve read, you and I are both fine and on opposite ends of the Zone spread!

    The tree is absolutely gorgeous, happy, and growing and blooming like crazy. We’re having a very wonderful Spring with many days already in the 70’s but I bet that tress has spread 3″ in the 3 weeks I’ve had it!

    Let me know how it works for you. I should post more photos! Thanks for asking.

  3. Karen says:

    Thanks, Virgilio!

  4. Renee Fleming says:

    Hi Im in Charlotte.And was wondering how your weeping Norway Spruce is doing? Thanks!

  5. Renee Fleming says:

    Thinking of adding one to my garden :)

  6. Karen says:

    Hi Renee:

    It’s doing great. In fact, we just moved it from a side yard area to right in front of the house where it shows better.

    Slow growing but absolutely no issues with pests and very little maintenance. A very easy plant to own!

    Plant one and let me know how it grows for you!

    Thanks for asking.

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